No Abortions on South Dakota Indian Reservations

Tribal council outlaws abortion
President suspended for alleged donations
by Nestor Ramos

“The Oglala Sioux tribal council banned all abortions on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and suspended President Cecelia Fire Thunder on Tuesday, charging that she solicited donations on behalf of the tribe for a proposed abortion clinic without the council’s approval.

“It was unauthorized political activity,” said Will Peters, a tribal council representative from the Pine Ridge district. “It’s just a matter of failing to communicate not only with the governing body but with the people that she was elected to serve….”

(full article linked to title)


  1. LadyCelticFire says:

    Cecelia WILL be back. You mark my words. That woman is tenacious witha capital T.

    I think it is a SAD sad day when ANYONE takes the right to have an abortion away from ANY woman. Regardless of her reasons for having one.

    Perhaps abortions would go down if better sex ed was taught in schools, but until the religious right gets out of the public school systems and out of our lawmakers beds, I guess people like Cecilia and I will have to fight the good fight and SAVE WOMENS LIVES!!!

  2. I agree there are things that could be done to help reduce abortions, but it is absolutly assanine to propose that it’s because of poor sex education within public school systems!! If you fuck around…especially without protection there’s a chance you’re gonna get pregnant…it’s been that way since day one, why can’t people wrap their brains around that.

    Furthermore your notion that the religious right controls public schools and those that write the laws is as laughable as the religious right’s notion that Hollywood and homosexuals are responsible for the demise of America.

  3. LadyCelticFire says:

    Ok well considering you were so brash with me, I shall extend the same courtesy to you…

    Perhaps if there were parents who actually TALKED to their kids about birth control, instead of thinking SEX is a mortal sin, then we wouldn’t be dependant on someone else teaching them. Until parents DO start talking to their children and taking an active parenting role, then YES Sex Education is a BIG step up. And lets face facts, sex ed is being cut EVERY year in MANY schools who need it most. I know an awful lot of teenagers who could have benifited from BETTER parenting and since they didn’t they sure as hell could have benifitted from sex ed in schools.

    As for the Religious Right, the reason I say that, is because in the context of sex education in schools, THEY ARE the ones who are voting to keep it out. PERIOD. I can show you group after group, that petition YEARLY to keep it out and guess what NEARLY all of them are from some religious sect or the other.

    As for Homosexuals and Hollywood, could you imagine OUR GLOWIOUS Lives without Our FABULOUS Queers…. SNAPS

  4. LadyCelticFire says:

    And I don’t believe I have ever used the F word on Jacks blog LOL So that wasn’t very nice…. Now on MY blog, thats another story LMAO But yes I agree with that sentence…. Do you know thatmost parents can’t even bring themselves to use the proper names when dealing with their childs sex and OTHER orrafices. They revert to using words like Who Who andDilly… Its a Vagina and a Penis…. PErhaps wehn we as adults stop being so afraid of our bodies and the WONDERFUL feelings that are NATURAL, then we will be able to raise kids who USE their brains and can wrap those concepts around them…

  5. What we have here are two extreme sides vying for control. From the right you have a group of religios conservatives deathly afraid their children will begin having all kinds of wild and crazy sex…from the left you have groups such as Planned Parenthood and the ACLU deathly afraid the religious conservatives will take away their right to get a “nutt”.

    What is ironic is that each side is just the mirror image of the other.

    Perhaps if both sides would show a little humility and put aside their desire for ultimate control there could be some progress made, but unfortunatly that will never happen because ultimatly neither side is all that concerned about teenagers having sex and teenage pregnancy. These teens and this issue are just a pawn for their fundraising letters and their attempts for more political power.

    Yes the Church needs to do some evolving when it comes to how they talk about sex, and there are some within the faith who are addressing this issue. Check out the article Saving Grace by Lauren Winner (google Saving Grace…it’s the NY Times piece) she has also authored a book entitled “Real Sex: The Naked Truth About Chastity.”

    True parents need to be upfront and honest with their kids. My parents unfortunatly never talked with me or my siblings about sex…well once my mom tried to talk to me about when I was like a freshman and it totally freaked me out. I believe that my parents fear and embarrassment about discussing sex has resulted in some very tragic events that haunt my family to this day…so what can I do about that now? I can’t change the past but I can change how I discuss things with my children…and yes my daughter (6) knows she has a vagina and my son (5) knows he has a penis. All that to say…we agree on the fact that parents need to bone up their skills.

  6. LadyCelticFire says:

    Yes parents need to START the teaching, but for those children whose parents DONT do the teaching there HAS to be something out there that DOES.

    We want out daughter to understand the consequences of being sexually active. But we want to do it in a way that doesnt make her absolutly TERRIFIED of sex. It CAN be done. And you are right, it comes from being comfortable yourself, as a parent, with sex as a whole. Not just the ACT of sex with a man or a woman, but the actof sexual feelings within yourself. We will encourage them to explore their own bodies in their own rooms, in private. I know some parents who have told their children that if they touch themselves, they will go to hell. LITERALLY. Can you imagine hearing that. Good Lord.

    But it does come down to parents takling the responsibility of RAISING their kids and dealing with ALL sorts of OMG issues. If you are embarressed and can’t talk to your own kids, then at least be responsible enough to find someone who CAN talk to them. AIDS is on the rise among girls ages 18 to 25 and its on the rise for a REASON.

  7. Nice to see you guys.

    As far as Cecilia “coming back” – that’s nice. It doesn’t mean much to me. Everyone from MC Hammer to Pauly Shore try a comeback.

    For me it always comes back to personal responsibility. As a society, we cannot continue to shift the blame on the groups we don’t like. We must shoulder the future of our own lives. Sure, parents need to improve their skills. However, I think all of us know that all the education in the world and even the best parents in the world will not guarantee a person making wise choices whether it is regarding sex or career or anything. Personal responsibility.

    I wince when I read pro-choicers say that they are interested in saving women’s lives. I think I understand what they are intending on saying but for me it begs the question of what about the female babies that are slaughtered in the name of “choice” every year? From my vantage point this is only accomplished through the pro-life mission and attitude.

    I hear over and over that no one should tell anyone what to do with their bodies. To some extent, I agree. But no one is telling anyone that they need to sleep with someone. And when they “make them”, that they can’t use contraception, as if it were part of some elaborate scheme. NO! What I am saying, you chose to have sex with someone, and whether or not you used contraception (as no contraception is 100%) you must take responsibility.

    As I have mentioned elsewhere in this blog, I am very sympathetic to mother’s life and similar issues but again (I even have compassion to the woman who is pregnant and unsure of what to do, however the former exampel is much different then the latter), they account for less then 5% of abortions. I am passionately against using abortion as birth control. And the numbers verify that statement.

    Read here Abortion and Rape

  8. this is very interesting, i enjoyed reading this more “slice-of-life” article, since most of the stories and thoughts I’ve seen are much broader.

    Thanks for posting this one.

    –RC of

  9. LadyCelticFire says:

    Ok first of all they aren’t babies that are aborted, they are fetuses, incapable of living on their own. I try to think in medical terms. YES I have a daughter and at one time she too, was a little blob known as a fetus.

    Lets not talk about slaughtering babies Jack. You are a smart man, you know the correct medical terminology.

  10. LadyCelticFire says:

    Can you get ANY new material Jack…. I mean seriously. You just repeat everything you have already said. Each time I post a link, I try to make it a new one at the very least.

    You talk about contraception again and I again, I will reiterate, when we have virtually NO sex ed in our schools and parents are too prudish to discuss knockin boots safely with their kids, then WTF do you expect? If you don;t know HOW to use a condom, you probably wont be inclined to use one. If you dont know WHERE to get birth control pills, you probably wont be inclined to get them. and if you parents are to ashamed of their own bodies and think sex is naughty, then you probably wont be inclined to ask questions. SHAME on the parents who wont talk to their kids. I BLAME them for the rise in abortion. OH Hows that for irony.

  11. LCF – “Ok first of all they aren’t babies that are aborted, they are fetuses, incapable of living on their own. I try to think in medical terms.”

    Are you kidding me? The day a baby/fetus/blob of breathing tissue(as some say) is born would not fit the bill of living on their own.
    This thinking (not you, but the mentality) really irritates me. One day it’s called a fetus, then the next it is allowed to be called a baby but the only difference is, the living being is one day older and not inside the womb. I find that completely absurd. All someone did was rename it.

    I don’t appreciate your criticism of new “content” especially coming from you. I could accuse of you being just as repetitious but I don’t bc I know these issues matter to you and we tend to talk about what matters to us. You criticized me for repeating myself but then you reiterated your position. I could be all sarcastic and point out the irony of it but again, we are discussing matters that are important to us and when you do that, you tend to repeat your position or reword it in a way in hopes of better communicating it.

    I know we are coming from opposite ends of the spectrum which is why we do not agree on a great deal but come on now, a little more fairness and a little more respect, my friend.

  12. LadyCelticFire says:

    Jack, since when has respect ever come in to play?? I could say you yourself have been disrespectful at times, but I don’t for the simple reason that YES we do disagree.

    But sorry, I have been able to come up with MANY links to MANY sources. You haven’t…

  13. You are unbelievable.

    Tell me what you want me to verify – I would be happy to. But would you acknowledge the points in the discussion I bring up?

    I explain why I defend the fetus and you gloss right over that. When do you think life begins? And please explain the difference between a baby and a fetus.

  14. LadyCelticFire says:

    Ok actually, i think this MIGHT just shock you a bit…
    I PERSONALLY believe that as soon as the sperm meets the egg and the cells start dividing, you have created a life form. BUT my point was, I like to keep it on medical terms when discussing abortion. I tend to look at the scientific, not the emotional.

    And my biggest issue with alot of the ANTI abortion crap out there is the presumption that the women who have them are A. merely using it as birth control and B. must not have ANY feelings whatsoever about what it is they are choosing to do. On point A. I say CRAP. I don’t know of very many people who have had multiple abortions or ANY abortions simply because they “Oops, forgot to use a condom.” I think it is quite the opposite. “scuse my French Jack, but shit happens. We have ALL done stupid carp. And yes even some of us have had sex without a condom. It only takes ONCE to get pregnant. And maybe this girl was a virgin and had sex with someone she thought she loved and thought loved her and she got preggers and then the guy left and there she was all alone. You don’t know and to presume you do is CRAP and totally hypocritical.

    On Point B. I doubt VERY many women have ever had an abortion and felt GREAT afterwards. I think they probably had some SERIOUS conversations with themselves and had to deal with ALL sorts of emotions before during and after. Again it is presumptious and totally hypocritcal on your part to assume such.

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