Andy Crouch – violins, cds and satisfaction – Session 1, Post 2

Though I have been away from my family more than usual, it was good to be with my seminary friends on this retreat.  I’ve been looking forward to this retreat since they announced the speaker would be Andy Crouch.  So, after introductions, icebreakers, and a Sprit-filled time of worship, it was Andy’s time to speak.  He began from behind a keyboard talking about how he saw this sign at a Starbucks that said, “Live More Musically”.

Evan’s post has good notes, so check that out.  A lot of the time was focused on creating this chart between the benefits of playing the violin or playing a cd.  The point made was what gave the greater satisfaction in the long run.  Though there were advantages to the cd (like wide-distribution, great quality, portability), its satisfaction/enjoyment expires and descends.  While learning to play the violin becomes almost infinitely greater over time. 

Andy described that in order to continue to enjoy the playing of a cd, you need to constantly buy cds and it is similar to how we describe addictions.  We have set up our churches similar to this as well.  One of the issues that I have complained about over and over is the consumer mentality of churches.  Because we’re teaching people how to play cds, not teaching them how to play the violin.  So much more to say, but you get the idea.

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