Andy Crouch – Discipline, Breathing, Sabbath and Scales – Session 2 Post 3

Session two began on the idea of Practices and Disciplines Andy defined “discipline” as a simple thing, maybe even uninteresting, done over and over so that you will eventually be free to do other things. He compared it to playing scales on the piano. Then he actually played scales on the piano. Normally that sort of thing that would bug me but I guess when you’re intelligent, talented and a have a great sense of humor, you can pull it off. He talked about “Breathing” – if you want to live musically, you need to learn how to breathe. Which led to a discussion on Sabbath. If we want to live more musically as Christians, then we have to learn to stop what we are doing and do the spiritual equivalent and breathe.  

For more, check out Evan’s notes.

Andy Crouch – violins, cds and satisfaction – Session 1, Post 2

Though I have been away from my family more than usual, it was good to be with my seminary friends on this retreat.  I’ve been looking forward to this retreat since they announced the speaker would be Andy Crouch.  So, after introductions, icebreakers, and a Sprit-filled time of worship, it was Andy’s time to speak.  He began from behind a keyboard talking about how he saw this sign at a Starbucks that said, “Live More Musically”.

Evan’s post has good notes, so check that out.  A lot of the time was focused on creating this chart between the benefits of playing the violin or playing a cd.  The point made was what gave the greater satisfaction in the long run.  Though there were advantages to the cd (like wide-distribution, great quality, portability), its satisfaction/enjoyment expires and descends.  While learning to play the violin becomes almost infinitely greater over time. 

Andy described that in order to continue to enjoy the playing of a cd, you need to constantly buy cds and it is similar to how we describe addictions.  We have set up our churches similar to this as well.  One of the issues that I have complained about over and over is the consumer mentality of churches.  Because we’re teaching people how to play cds, not teaching them how to play the violin.  So much more to say, but you get the idea.

Our Seminary Retreat with Andy Crouch

This weekend, our Biblical Seminary retreat will have a fantastic guest speaker, Andy Crouch. Because I know people who know stuff, I’ve been familiar with Andy’s work for a little while.  He also writes for a small independent spiritual journal called Christianity Today.  (It’s ok, if you haven’t heard of it).

Andy is the author of the highly acclaimed book Culture Making.  If you are familiar with Andy’s work (like at the Q Conference, his articles, or seen his small group curriculum Where Faith & Culture Meet), you know some of the premise of the book.  If you’re new to Andy and engaged in the culture conversation (and bothered by some of Christian music/movies/art/general outlook of culture) you’ve probably even said very similar things while drinking non-corporate, free-trade coffee with your intelligent friend who loves literature and gardening.  However, the book is the other 200 pages of well-written thought that your refill probably didn’t cover.  

Anyway, I find myself in a good place in life right now.  If you’ve been reading this blog, you know I’ve been so proud of places like my denomination for bringing Dave Kinnaman (from UnChristian) and organizations like Youth Specialites for bringing in speakers like Phyllis Tickle, Tony Jones, Tom Sine, and Scot McKnight for the National Youth Workers Convention.  I’ve really had amazing opportunitues to hear some incredible speakers/thinkers.  So if I have to be away from my beautiful wife and son, then I am thrilled that Biblical Seminary has invited Andy am looking forward to hanging out with my cohort friends.

Karl Giberson's Interview with Skeptic's Michael Shermer

This past Monday night my friend Tim and I went to another event put on by the Templeton Foundation. This was part of the Book Forum Series and it featured Karl Giberson’s Saving Darwin: How to Be a Christian and Believe in Evolution. The night was centered on Giberson being interviewed by Skeptic magazine editor, Michael Shermer.  It took place at the Harvard Club in Manhatten and it had good food and wine, friendly people – well worth the effort of driving into the city. 

Part of Karl’s story is that he approached this subject coming from a fundamentalist background and while in college starting appreciating some of the elements of science and fell in love with a lot of Darwin and other evolutionary ideas.  Though you may have heard that part of the story before (it could even be yours), he adds in his book that growing up, his hero was the early earther, creation apologist Henry Morris.  I found that to be interesting.

Shermer and Giberson had a very polite and enjoyable conversation.  I’m not sure if it actually ever got too awkward and I credit Shermer for creating a positive mood.  In fact, I thought there were several moments were he could have debated but his role was to interview and I appreciated the level of restraint he demonstrated. 

So can you be a Christian and believe in evolution (the macro)? Giberson insists that you can.  He also said that the creationist tends to turn the Genesis account into a proto-science (and it’s not meant to be scientific).  When we compare against the theory of evolution we rob ourselves from the goodness of the other stories.  Further if we get distracted by the first couple chapters in Genesis, we miss too much.

As he was talking about the origins of fundamentalism he mentioned that creationism wasn’t considered a fundamental back in the early part of the 20th century. Found that also to be intriguing.

In short, Shermer kept on a line of questions that more or less asked, then why continue be a Christian.  He even questioned his motivation by saying, “You’re not pretending to believe this to make life easier for  yourself …. are you?”

Giberson did not give any overly dramatic answers.  I would tell you that he felt very comfortable and confident in his reconciling of faith and science.  He mentioned a couple times in various contexts that he maintains in the existence of God, that Christianity offers a richer worldview, that he believed in the resurrection and so on.  I also appreciated that he said that we believe “loads and loads” of things that step outside science.  He didn’t get into the details as the conversation kept moving but as much as I appreciate science as well, I thought that was a friendly reminder.

One last thing that got me thinking was his discussion on the education that Christian congregations give to their children.  As a youth pastor, this is something that I have thought about over and over not only in the teenage years but in those formative children’s years.  I plan on doing some reflection on this point in particular. 

In not wanting to make this too long of a post, I remember reading a book (by a Christian author) of some of the beautiful things that Darwin said and his inner conflicts and struggles.  In brief, too many Christians portray him as a Herod and that it is a mistake.

After some questions and answers, there was a gentlemen (I believe from the museum of science) who closed the night with some great Darwin quotes.  So good, they could probably be quoted from the pulpits if we left the name off or credited to C.S. Lewis.

I encourage you to read the book.  I skimmed most of it and plan on giving it more attention.  It’s not really an apologetic on evolution or Christianity but I think it’s serves as a great first step to those of us interested in this conversation.

Francis Chan at #NYWC in Pittsburgh

 Youth Specialties Pittsburgh – General Session 3 – Francis Chan – Post 5

Francis Chan was the speaker for General Session 3.  He’s a great speaker, great energy, all that you would expect from a gen. session speaker.  Honesty, I wasn’t sure about him since I heard a particular podcast that kinda … hmm … not sure what the word is here but I wasn’t feeling him.  Glad we don’t finalize our impressions from one interview or something though.

Anyway, I connected with this message.  Loved that he spoke about the complexities of parables.  Reminding us that Jesus actually wanted people to work and struggle through their meanings.  They were for those who wanted to know and wanted to be his disciples. 

I am lost as a listener every time someone says something to the effect of “It’s easy, we just need to GO!!” or “the Gospel isn’t rocket science”.  It’s actually harder then rocket science.  Anyway, Francis didn’t do that.

One of his main points was, “We as youth pastors do so many things different than Jesus.”  I’ve always tried do to the alternative youth ministry thing but even there, I find myself doing things that Jesus might consider unnecessary.   

He also said: In reaching our students we overestimate the importance of attendance.  To the point that when kids leave, we beg for them to come back, offer pizza, prizes.  Jesus let the crowds leave for the effect of his message.

On Salt:  “Jesus talking about salt and its use.  He says that some of you are “flavorless salt” that has not use.  It’s not enough good enough to be used as manure.”

Jesus was saying, “You are ruining crap”. 

He used a fun illustration of adding  a big pile of flavorless salt to small packet’s size worth of salt.  Who adds flavorless salt to real salt?  Why would you do that?  Ohhh, because we like to have bigger piles, bigger crowds, bigger attendance etc. 

We can build our congregations, we can get people to come front. He joked how he has a story that gets people to come down every time.  True, true. 

But what we need is something super-natural.  We need life change. 

He spoke about Elijah as a man just like him.  Fire can come down from heaven but it’s the work of God not of ours. 

“It will be hard but we must teach and lead like Jesus.”  

Monday Morning Brief – November 17

Highlight of the Week:  Nathan crawling and thus the three of us shopping for more baby friendly furniture at IKEA; seeing Andy Zipf perform at Ninety Six West, great music, great guy, listen here; had a great time hanging out with the Turrners, Currys, Youseffs, and some of my church friends; grateful for our Sr. Pastor Installation Service yesterday; enjoying touring Yankee Stadium, sat in the dugout, stood in locker-room, pressbox, that was cool.  Yeah, it’s been a good week. 

Listening to:  Bob Dylan Tell Tale Signs:  The Bootleg Series Vol. 8, Fermi Project Podcasts this week. 

Reading:  The Psalms, Old Testament Parallels, by Victor H. Matthews and Don Benjamin, and Exploring the Old Testament A Guide to the Psalms and Wisdom Literature by Ernest Lucas.  perused Saving Darwin:  How to be a Christian and Believe in Evolution by Karl Giberson (Should see him in a discussion tonight with Michael Shermer from Skeptic magazine).  Just started reading Culture Making by Andy Crouch.

Watched: The new Nooma video, Tomato.  Like all of them, produced well, shot well, Rob’s great, but this one didn’t pop for me (like say Breathe, or Rhythm, or Luggage or Rain or …).  There’s devil guy chasing people around – he’s the best part.  Thought it was clever and it worked for the video.  Rob is right on in dealing with identity, life, unconditional love – all good but I already feel this is what we’ve been saying for quite a while now (that’s not bad and I know there’s nothing new under the sun but this is just a brief review of  a movie short called Tomato).  So I didn’t love it but will show it.  Maybe it will connect with me more after I watch a few times or maybe someone I show it to will connect with it. 

Looking forward to: our seminary retreat with Andy Crouch, reading what Tony Jones will be saying regarding the complicated topic of homosexuality.  I admire his courage as I am working my way through this issue and others. 

Procrastinating on:  aside from pretty much everything, planning on our mission trip.  So far, we are going to DC/LA then off to a mission trip to Latin America.   Options include, Belize, Bahamas, and Mexico.  

Reflecting on Marko's words from #NYWC in Pittsburgh

Mark Ostreicher, National Youth Workers Convention – Youth Specialties – Pittsburgh – 11.3.08


I appreciate Mark Ostreicher from YS.  I really do. For many reasons but I don’t feel like listing them.  But I’m glad that he’s the president of YS.  And being president and hosting the YS event, I appreciate that he took the last session on Monday morning when so many attendees have already left. Most presidents of organizations take the best attended session to celebrate their position and their egos but in the tradition of Mike Yaconelli and Tic Long, this is a humble expression that I appreciate.

So there we are Monday morning and Marko was rewinding the events and themes of the conference and said that he felt that he should get rid of what he was planning to say.  I do that too.  Like when I have nothing, or when I know what I have is garbage, I too pull an Eli Manning and change the play at the line.  (Just kidding, Marko has too good of a mind to pull off lame speaker antics).


He told us that he thought he had the pinnacle of youth minisry with this “Back to School” Bash even that brought thousands of kids out.  He would walk around and ask people, “Did you see that?  God was truly working!”  Later on, he realied that in all the years of bumping into former students and reconnecting through facebook, none fo them ever said, “That event changed my life”.


That’s usually my argument against Christian t-shrts and bumper stickers but I appreciated Marko using it to describe events.  Because although I rarely thrown these types of events where I rent out an amusement park, I do take some pride in the events we do. 


He mentioned a couple of things that he felt were more worthwhile and they were things like the communion he enjoyed with his house church.  They had great meals together, they would enjoy the quietness together, share, pray, etc. 


It was void of great size but deep with community and mission.  Then he said, “Small is the value in the kingdom of God.”.   Here’s some more

it’s simple in its dna and structure

            beautiful and simple presence of Jesus moving into the world

            present, not distracted.

            it’s always changing, it cannot be packaged


            It’s fluid because the gospel is not an idea, it’s the person of Christ.

            Christ is the midst already present,            

            We can’t conjure it up with slight of hand and amazing programming. 

But we are the equipment.  (not the youth room etc.) bc what we have is Christ the hope of glory – this is the gospel that we bring to our kids. 

            The stuff that you thought you needed is a deterrent to youth ministry.


I love this idea for so many reasons.  One, it celebrates all that are in youth ministry.  Most conferences dangle the carrot of numbers and status in front of you forgeting the fact that many would routinely walk away from Jesus and he spent a great deal of his time in smaller numbers.  Second, while there is a place for signage, promotion and the pursuit of better resources, it is not in the place of the heart of the Gospel.  This is something we can all buy into and it’s nice to hear it from a guy like Marko.


I’ll  end this post by using his closing “May you deeply blessed as you remember the real gospel in your soul.”

Reflecting on Pete Rollins’ Idea of the "Third Person"

I mentioned in my previous post about the Mid-Atlantic Conference in Philly that I liked this illustration:

“(Pete) used this story (that will not work in youth group) about an average guy stranded on a beach with a beautiful woman.  He hits on her with great persistence and finally she gives in and they sleep together.  In the morning, he asks her to put on a mustache  and a ball cap and meet him on the beach that afternoon.  Initially she objects, he persists, she shows up with the fake mustache and ball cap.  He then tells his friend, “You never would have believed who I slept with last night – this beautiful woman …”  the point being he needed a buddy to justify the experience.  For some, that third person is God (or our abstract idea of what we think is God).”

This illustration was in a context of not knowing what you are really looking for even though you think  you do.  So, when you are looking to date someone you never find the right person, because that person does not exist.  It’s not until you are not looking that you find the right one. 

So Pete used this illustration that cracked me up and I’m still thinking about it.  Does God really count as a “third person”?  The simple and easy answer is yes and that’s why the illustration works. 

In light of all the discussions of the god(s) that is/are created and even Rob Bell’s the gods aren’t angry, I have an understanding on this idea but what bugs me is that many times, for me, “God” (or the idea of God) makes a horrible third person to validate (or justify as Pete said) the experience.  To me the illustration implies the third person is needed to almost wake up the guy so he doesn’t think he’s dead or still dreaming or congratulate him (to complete the experience as Pete says) but God doesn’t really do any of that.  In fact, many times, quite the opposite.  I cannot help but think that many times our experiences with God continue pushing us to keep looking for the third person.  (Maybe this is why we have these celebrity type senior pastors who are larger then life but they are needed to validate the experience.)

I think I understand what Pete is saying.  Like if we are praying for the health of a loved one’s health, we would only be wishful thinking or talking to ourselves if we didn’t believe in God (or the third person). But I couldn’t help but include the aforementioned in my thoughts.

Anyway, no illustration is obviously perfect but this has occupied my mind the past couple days.  Does God make a good “Third Person”?  What do you think?

Emergent Mid-Atlantic Conference with Pete Rollins and John Franke

Had the Phillies not won the World Series this season, I would have said that this was the best day Philadelphia had this year.  The Emergent Mid-Atlantic Conference at the Church of the Holy Trinity with

Peter Rollins and John Franke was fantastic.  Pete gives quite a performance.  He speaks pretty fast in a thick Irish accent, uses his hands, quotes everyone from Nietzsche and Bonhoeffer, uses parables, recites stories, employs hyperbole, and chugs coffee. 

It was great to have John Franke there to share from his perspective and to hear the two of them dialogue with each other.  You can listen to all the audio here (Thanks Scott).  

To keep it short, I’m sacrificing context – here are my highlights/questions/etc.:

– Loved the idea of the “Third Person” that is needed to justify an experience.  He used this story (that will not work in youth group) about an average guy stranded on a beach with a beautiful woman.  He hits on her with great persistence and finally she gives in and they sleep together.  In the morning, he asks her to put on a mustache  and a ball cap and meet him on the beach that afternoon.  Initially she objects, he persists, she shows up with the fake mustache and ball cap.  He then tells his friend, “You never would have believed who I slept with last night – this beautiful woman …”  the point being he needed a buddy to justify the experience.  For some, that third person is God (or our abstract idea of what we think is God).

– “… God becomes the crutch to save us from the abyss”

– paraphrase –  “(for some) we need a God to save us from fears, insecurities …. In this way, God is only an aid that leads us to practical atheism”.

– He told a story about a man who said to his neighbor that someone needed to help this poor family.  The father was just laid off, the mother was ill, the children were hungry, and the landlord was about to evict them.  The neighbor responded, “Oh that’s terrible.  How do you know them?”  The other replied, “I’m the landlord!”.  This story pointed at the disconnect between the Church’s concern with no practical application.

– He spoke about the importance of belonging over belief.  This one gave me trouble til he clarified that it was post-conversion. 

– Christianity draws a circle but the faithful Christian goes outside the circle and embraces the excluded. – This is another example of the fidelity of betrayal.

– Every time we create a god, we create a bigger/better image of ourselves. 

– Numerous examples from IKON:

       – In such deep conversation with someone that you do not even know their eye color because the                     conversation is so imtimate that you cannot even remember the external. 

      – IKON tries to encourage its people to see its community as a doughnut.  There is nothing in the center          (no pastoral authority/presence), only the person next to you.  So if the person next to you, doesn’t              care, no one is there to help you.  This encourages that each support the other bc no one else is                  going to do it.

– John Franke:

– As Christians, we must speak of God but we are human and cannot.  We must acknowledge our obligation and responsibility in that very way we give glory to God.  (I think it was a Barth quote).

– Barth – to speak about God as God knows Himself to be. 

– John shared on the obligations we have to carry the gospel (we are ambassadors)

– We must neither contradict or cohere for they don’t negate the other.

– It’s a manifold witness.

– Example of four Gospels instead of one.  There is a plurality. 

– We as the people of God to go out to the world by the power of the Holy Spirit…

As mentioned, it really was a great day.  I’ve expressed gratitude in other posts but I look forward for Thomas to send us next year’s email.

Monday Morning Brief – November 10

Highlight of the Week – Emergent Mid-Atlantic Conference with Pete Rollins and John Franke at the Holy Trinity Church in Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia.  This went really well and am grateful for Thomas, Scott, Todd,  Charlie and the many friends like Evan and Derek Cooper who supported the time.  It was fun and meaningful.  It’s sorta like youth group for the philosophy/theology kids.  Where youth group need dodge ball, these nerds need coffee (thanks One Village Coffee). 

Then there was the time with Pete.  Loved what he said at the conference, appreciated the  personal time, thrilled that he stayed over our house (put the unwashed pillow case on ebay.  Expecting Evan to bid high).  He worshipped at our church (he thought our pastor preaches well.  The sermon was on giving). 

I plan on blogging about it all … in 2009.

Grateful for – 1. Gary Schnittjer’s class on Conquest to Christ.  I learned a great deal.  2. A solid youth group meeting last week. You can’t gauge how you feel from week to week in a youth group (if you plan on having a healthy state of mind) but it was one of our better times together.  Also grateful for our new senior pastor.

Looking forward to –  Spending some time at home.  Though I have a had a great time traveling around and enjoying conferences and events, I am looking forward to being home for a little while.  Baby Nathan has early signs of his first real cold.  More exciting, he’s learning how to crawl.