Tim: lover of God, happily married husband, father of three, community life pastor, Biblical Seminary graduate, black coffee-drinking, Yankee-cheering, jaded and hopeful soul who is seeking what is true, good, and beautiful.
I started blogging as more of a cathartic expression of thoughts I was wrestling with and needed to express. Some of these thoughts become the testing ground of what I’ll say in a message and some are things that I wouldn’t speak into a microphone.
As most bloggers find, it turned out that there was an audience of friends and new friends who tuned in. Because of that, the blog has taken on different expressions and thoughts.
I am hoping to discover and contribute to a better expression of Christianity. One that is more thoughtful, more intentional and more consistent with how I feel a follower of Jesus should live. I know the latter is subjective, hence I blog and welcome conversation.
I’m interested in the intersection of faith and culture. Further, I am an appreciator of nuance, I like the gray world, I celebrate paradox. I’m a bit skeptical and a bit hopeful and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I won’t always get it right, so know I invite your feedback, encouragements, pushbacks and your perspective on things. I enjoy dialogue, feel free to participate. I would love to read your comments and invite you to join me on this part of the journey.
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There is much to learn from each other and who knows, you may find a reason to start blogging too.
Feel free to email me, if we live close enough, I’m up for a cup of coffee.
Happy reading and grace and peace to you.
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