A Collision of LIfe and Death by Russ Breimeier

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Though I don’t know Kyle Lake and his young family, I too was very upset by this tragic accident this past fall. He was a talented young pastor, writer, and all his friends had great esteem for him. This interview is with David Crowder, one of my favorite musicians, a worship leader who understands both the heart of worship and great music. His style is considered a little too heavy for church but I think that’s why it is so loved. The Crowder band led worship at Kyle’s church, (University Baptist, Waco, TX) and apparently this is David’s first interview since the tragedy of his friend.

“Things started off well in 2005 for the David Crowder Band, which got its start as the primary worship band for University Baptist Church in Waco, Texas. In September they finalized A Collision or (3+4=7), which released to strong reviews—it earned high placement on our year-end Best Albums list. Soon after, the band embarked on a headlining tour. And then tragedy hit: Kyle Lake, the band’s friend and pastor at UBC, was electrocuted and killed while adjusting a microphone during a baptism. It was hard enough for Crowder and his buddies to be away at such a difficult time, asking all sorts of challenging questions in light of it. What’s more, A Collision was created as a worshipful response to death—before Lake’s passing. After months of silence on the subject, Crowder was gracious enough to share some thoughts about his friend’s death, and the role Lake played in the album’s creation.”

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