Youth Specialties – Pittsburgh – Recapping General Session 1 – Post 2 – #nywc

Day 1 Recap

Got in the General Session toward the end of Newworldson’s set.  They looked like they were having a good time and people were liking them. 

Sat in up close to the band stage left of center with the speakers seemingly inches away from our ears.  Who’s dumb idea was that?  Oh mine.  I saw seats up front.  We sat in front of a couple that went to my (and my wife’s) alma-mater, Liberty University.  Always good to see fellow alumni.  


Starfield led us in worship and I must say, even though they are Canadian, they’re pretty good.  (Kidding, kidding, you’re supposed to make fun of Canadians.  It’s an expression of love and allows them to feel distinct in their un-americanness.  If we treated them like we treated Americans, they’d be offended that you didn’t appreciate what makes them different – you see?)


The speaker was Mike Pilavachi.  High energy youth pastor who’s been around from London.  He shared some of his failures, frustrations, and even a couple of things he got right.  He revealed that Matt Redman came up through his youth group and recounted a couple of stories about Matt.  He spent a lot of time talking about Jesus’ interaction and discipleship of the 12.  Appreciated he was the first speaker, brought some normalness to youthworkers and I had never heard him before.  

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