YS Pittsburgh – GS 2 – M. Feinberg, A. Marin, S. Chan-Rah – Post 4 – #nywc

Last night was probably one of the best general sessions I had been to at YS.  They had an interesting format, 3 speakers, 18 minutes each, 6 minute discussions with those around you after each speaker, 6 minutes of questions that were submitted via text message.  (not real sure about the times but it was something like that. 

The first speaker was Margaret Feinberg.  Appreciated what she had to say and the spirit she said it in.  I felt that her message may have gotten a little lost out of the three but here’s also what I think I know.  There were some people who probably really connected with her.  Some who really needed to hear another woman speak (that doesn’t work on staff for YS.  We love/appreciate you Jeanne). 

Margaret spoke about her journey, personal, professional, the call of  God, the storms, the joys, and the journey with Him.  My favorite part was when she said something to the effect of “We like to think that surrender is one big decision but it’s not.  Surrender is thousands of  decisions that shape our commitment”.  In contrast to the prosperity gospel and whatever, I always appreciate when we are reminded by discussing sacrifice and surrender. 

The second speaker was Andrew Marin.  Jeanne said in her introduction that this is a discussion that we have had for a while but haven’t had it up front in a general session yet.  She said we found someone who can do that and he was Andrew.

Andrew began my sharing how his 3 closest friends in 3 consecutive months revealed to him they were gay.  Indeed that’s pretty crazy.   Long story short – In order to understand homosexuality, his friends, and the Gospel more, he moved to a part of Chicago that had a large gay population, went to gay bars, events, and tried to become as  he said, “the gayest straight guy in Chicago”.

Very, very true that we as believers need to do a much better job for the homosexual community.  We should begin by bringing them into our churches.  Andrew suggested that almost every school has a Gay-Straight Alliance that we could be a part of. 

Since this is a blog, I feel I can write this.  I think one of the memorable moments was when he said something like, “We need to stick it to the man” in referring to how some institutions need to woken up.  Not sure if that’s the best use of these types of expressions concerning the subject but everyone around me quietly laughed for 20 minutes.  It’s a room full of youthworkers so understand that but as for me, I’ll never forget to include this part of the story. 

But I don’t want to pick on stuff like that or which Scriptures he used and didn’t use (he was clear that he thought the Scriptures taught that homosexuality is a sin) but it was good to have Andrew as part of the night. 

The last presenter was Soong Chan-Rah who was introduced by Marko explaining the genesis of this relationship.  If you were part of the YS’s email list, then you know that in one of the skit books, there was a Chinese restaurant owner as a character that was made fun.  It included the broken English, to the phonetically spelled mispronunciations to other offensive stereotypes.  It was Soong who brought it to Marko’s attention which quickly led to a huge apology, retraction and in short, a humble and beautiful moment in resolve and reconciliation.  So they reminded some of that story.

Not sure what was the highlight but was thrilled when Soong Chan- Rah said something to the effect of “we interpret Christianity through a western white understanding not through the Scriptures”.  It’s a shock value statement of course.  (There is no such thing as an objective interpretation of the Bible by the way) and this isn’t me saying, “yeah Sonng sure told them!!  Well maybe  a little but seriously, what I am celebrating is that we are having these discussions on a bigger level and in this case, in a general session.

I went to his talk-back session and there is just so much to try to say here that I’ll have to continue later.  I recommend that you get the mp3 of this session though.  (I will be just to process it again).  


  1. I agree… very great insights and the format rocked.

  2. Thanks for your comments! So true about the “stick it to the man” part!!! I never think about that stuff…I’ve become infamous for putting my foot in my mouth by saying those types of things without ever realiziing it. Marko came up to me back stage and brought that to my attention. I was really embarassed and we both had quite the laugh! I’m glad you were laughing too. :)
    Much love.

  3. Hey Andrew, thanks for stopping by and commenting.
    Glad you didn’t mind and were able to laugh about it. Appreciate what you’re doing and wish you the best.

  4. Thanks! If I can’t laugh at myself when things like that happening, I think I might be taking myself too seriously! Much love.

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