Today and tomorrow I’ll be at the Collyde Summit in Princeton, New Jersey. I was honored to be asked to blog/tweet some thoughts on the event and I am hoping there might be some helpful takeaways for you ministry types. For me, I like the people organizing the event (like Jinu Thomas). I think their hearts are in the right place and really felt compelled to come down from Boston.
A few years, I was able to attend the first Collyde Summit (they would tell you last year was the real first, I attended the beta ;). Whatever it was I liked it and here my links are included below.
In the meantime, here’s a little more about the Summit from their website:
“What is Collyde Summit?
Collyde Summit is a gathering of passionate next generation believers in the New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania area, who love Jesus and are convicted to become world changers.”
This year’s theme is “Only Believe” and you can read more about that here.
Presenters include Pete Wilson and Margaret Feinberg, Dr. David Ireland and Bonnie Gay as the keynotes on Saturday and there will be a series of workshops tomorrow. You can see all the presenters here Today is a series of workshops with presenters like Joan Ball, Rob Cruver and artist types like Makoto Fujimora and Esther Havens and more.
I’m looking forward to this ministry event, I like the crew who put it on. Jinu and his team are very sharp crew. They have a heart for the gospel and for social justice – love that they are committed to growing the Collyde Summit in terms of quality and reach and I’m especially grateful they are committed to the Northeast.
I’m also really looking forward to spending time with Evan Curry, who will also be blogging. Be sure to keep an eye out his site and the twitter feed whose hashtags are #collyde.
If you’re here at Collyde, would love to hear your thoughts, feel free to comment, feel free to message, feel free to follow me on Twitter – @tg24.
Thanks for reading – will post again soon.
Reflecting on the Collyde Summit Post 1 #Collyde
Reflecting on Phil Cooke’s Presentation at the Collyde Summit Part 2 – #Collyde
I wish i knew you were in the area, we could have grabbed a cup of Joe
I would have loved to have caught up but I was pretty much at this event and with family afterward.
I’ll let you know next time I’m in town. Hope all is well my friend.