I have huge respect for Rachel Held Evans. I like her blog, I’ve enjoyed her books and I follow her on Twitter. Further I appreciate her mind, her love for Christ, her heart for others and from where I sit, I find her to be a wise and faithful steward of her platform.
The other day she wrote an excellent piece on CNN Belief Blog and her basic thesis was that Millennials are leaving churches because they are looking for “more substance than style.” In short, she concluded “we’re leaving the church because we don’t find Jesus there.” Ouch.
Her critique is too many churches are making the mistake of seeking to be “more relevant” as opposed to being more substantial. That may not sound original to some but the real problem is it’s a consistent and oft-heard criticism. Seeking to be a “little more relevant” is a very tired practice in many congregations throughout our country [Read more…]
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