Steve Chalke's message at Mars Hill

Last year, my new year’s resolution was to wake up every morning, spend an adequate time in prayer, read Scripture, read and discard a magazine, read a book, listen to a podcast and among other things, be a better husband, pastor …  So far I’ve managed to wake up every morning.  

I have been listening to a bunch of podcasts and like everyone who loves what is excellent, I’ve been enjoying Rob Bell’s words for a while now.  Though Rob has been on sabbatical (and that’s cool.  Hope he gets rest, enjoys the family, and returns one day refreshed.  Til then, they have had some fantastic speakers), one message that I’ve listened to a couple of times now (one when I was putting together a piece of baby furniture. I probably listened to it twice that afternoon – stupid friggin directions that aren’t clear.  Sorry I digress).  

Back to Steve Chalke:  Among many things, he is the Chair of Stop The Traffik, “a global coalition of over 1000 charities in 60 countries that is working to stop the buying and selling of people.”  Here are some of the stats he shared in the beginning of his message:  There are 27 million people in slavery today. approx. 80% are women.  1 person every 30 seconds is taken into slavery and that’s the equivalent of jumbo jets of people that are taken every day.  

He starts off by telling the story of Telemachus and how his boldness stopped the Roman Gladiator games. (If you grew up in church, you probably heard this story.  If you went to a Christian college within the past few years, one of your teachers showed you Gladiator to create a segue for this.  In fact, if you were a little cooler then your roommate, you probably woke up facing his poster of Telemachus holding his KJV while facing down the gladiators, lions and Cloverfield beast. If he was cooler then you, then it was your poster.  I digress again.) 

Long story short – this is one of the best “all are made in the image of God” messages that also should inspire you to act.  You should listen if you like good things.  To download the mp3, click here.  Also check out stopthetraffik.  It’s a great looking site with a heart-breaking stuff.