Why I Believe in the Resurrection

The Resurrection is the most central belief of the Christian faith. Without it, the Bible is just another book, there is no super-natural element about it, Jesus is just a very interesting teacher who somehow performed magic tricks disguised as miracles and was able to not only mislead 12 disciples, but millions over the years.
In I Corinthians 15, the Apostle Paul said Without the Resurrection, our faith is useless … We ought to eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.”

For thousands of years, the Old Testament prophesied about the coming of Christ. Of course, modern day Jews are still waiting for him, while Christians claim that Jesus is Him. At the end of the day, it comes down to a matter of faith for each of us.

Thus, I am proud, honored, and humbled all at once to have this position. The Resurrection is unique to other major world religions. Most rely on their teachings of morality and perspective in order to be a follower and inherit paradise/nirvana etc. Christianity either backs itself in a corner or trumps the others by relying on a historical super-natural event as its foundation for its existence.

The Resurrection is the greatest demonstration of God’s love. After condemning all mankind to eternal death because of sin, He intercedes and changes the rules … Himself. For those interested in exploring this subject, I believe it comes down to a couple of central issues: the existence of God (which allows for the super-natural), the Revelation of God – Jesus, and whether or not He rose from the dead. If you believe in a super-natural God who has sent prophets to tell of His coming, the Resurrection does not seem that difficult.

Over the years many have tried to explain away the Resurrection. Much ink has been spilled and some have dedicated their entire lives to these subjects and I wish to respect their efforts, but for the sake of time, space, and this medium, I need to be as concise as possible. I say all that to say, I am not trying to create strawmen here …

The Swoon Theory is the one that suggests that Jesus either faked his death by either passing out or the soldiers mistakenly thought he was dead, took him off the cross and put him in the tomb. From here, either he escaped on his own or the disciples came and rescued him.

Though by archeological and historical standards the New Testament (and Old) are considered to be actual historical records, my desire is to use them as little as possible.
(But perhaps at another time, we can mention why they are reliable. It actually is quite impressive in comparison to other ancient texts).

Back to the Swoon theory though. During the Roman Empire in the first century, the penalty for a botched crucifixion was your execution. Considering that not a single solider was killed for his failure to execute a prisoner, it would be unreasonable to conclude that they mistakenly took Jesus off the cross if He had only passed out.
But let’s say they did (In addition it was common to take a spear and stab the prisoner through the heart to make sure – which they did in Jesus’ case but we’ll set that aside too). They lay Jesus into the tomb and put a 2 ton boulder in front of it. HOW DOES HE GET OUT? It is suggested that the disciples came and rescued him, if so, wouldn’t the Romans have hunted them down. Furthermore in the Biblical text, the tomb was sealed and guarded for the Romans were suspicious that this band of religious lunatics might in fact, do this. Let’s say that didn’t for they feared their lives as they made no attempt to save him when they could have and deserted Him. Let’s say Jesus recovered as one of the versions of the swoon theories have suggested. It’s very difficult to move any boulder of any size and fight off the guards and escape if you were just mistaken for dead.
Let’s say that someone like Mary Magdalene snuck into the tomb before they took Jesus off the cross and hid a couple protein bars, Gatorade, and a weapon or two, say even a first century Uzi. Jesus recovers (also, he was wrapped, not exactly like a mummy, but wrapped but that’s the least of his problems. If He can get out of the tomb obviously ace bandages won’t be a problem). He awakens, recovers, gets his strength back enough, gathers the weapons uses the lever to move the boulder. Fortunately it’s on a decline and as it rolls it runs over a couple of soldiers. Jesus the expert carpenter (I mean swordsmen) He is, fights off the remaining soldiers and limps off to find His disciples in the secretive upper room.
Upon being found by Him, most likely they would not say, Wow, just as you predicted, you really showed them, (and pay attention) and Jesus, you promise that I can do this too? It’s not exactly the resurrected body I was hoping for but barely alive is better then dead. YEAH! Where do I sign up? Jesus has been risen from the dead and we can be raised like this too!

Ridiculous no? You got the first botched crucifixion, a man mistaken to be dead moving two-ton boulders, fighting off guards, and then convincing his followers this is the best life to follow. When the natural explanations fail, and the super-natural seems more possible, it’s at least worth investigating.

The Mass Hallucination Theory
The theory is the disciples gathered in the upper-room, delirious in their grief or high from drugs hallucinate and see the risen Christ.
It’s a tough one for the naturalist because historically and scientifically there is much debate on the specifics of the idea of “mass hallucination”.
For a moment let’s assume they did, they heard the hallucination say the same thing, ate with the resurrected hallucination, went fishing together (as reported in the Gospels), appeared to approximately 500 people before the hallucination ascended.

This “mass hallucination” would be the most unique to say the least. This is NOT like seeing a vision of Mary in the clouds or in bowl of cereal. The duration, the fact it happens inside and outside and different times of day and it eats, walks and talks!
Furthermore, perhaps the most compelling reason I have for the Resurrection is the Disciple’s Reaction. Hope you keep reading.

The Disciples’ Reaction
Upon believing that a man you witnessed die has in fact come back to life, you could easy understand why this is exciting. It’s never happened before. As one of Jesus’ disciples you saw some impressive miracles, healing the blind and lame, even bringing back a couple of people from the dead (that would later die again as they were still mortal and not given “heavenly bodies”). Most importantly you heard him claim that He was the Son of God and that He was the Way the Truth and the Life to God the Father in Heaven. By putting your faith in Him, you would know the Father. Being a disciple, imagine again the moment that you believed once and for all Christ rose from the dead, thereby proving everything He said, erasing any doubt from the corners of your mind, and concluding that this must truly be the Messiah, the Son of God. Certainly you would risk everything, from your life to even your loved ones for they too could be saved by God. Then after the Resurrected Jesus tells you to preach this Gospel (this “Good News”), you go everywhere you can faithfully preaching the message of salvation. Logical from the Christian perspective.

However, let us assume that Jesus did NOT rise from the dead. But rather the disciples gathered in the upper room decided to create a story – a story that included the theft of Jesus’ body, a conspiracy and tale of his resurrection so His teachings and legacy could live on. So you make a pact with the other 10, passionately persuade the naïve masses that Jesus rose from the dead, showing that the tomb is empty, convincing them to become “Christians”. In a short time, the Romans are trying to erase your cu

lt by persecuting and trying to kill you and your converts. They succeed in killing Stephen who was not one of the original disciples but one of the early church leaders. The mayhem ensues – hundreds of your converts are being killed, members of the original 12 are killed and dragged through the streets. As it has taken approximately 30-40 years for the last of the original 12 to be killed, you find yourself one of the last ones alive.

Throughout the last 30 or so years of preaching this lie, you have returned to your business, you have returned to your family, your youngest daughter is about to be married and your eldest son is about to give you a grandchild.
A man approaches you with violent intent and says, “You are one of those disciples of Christ.” You will deny it just as Peter did before Jesus was crucified. Why? Because no one willingly dies for a lie. Add to this 11 conspirators, persecuted and killed over 40 years. I tell you the truth, as a person committed to his word but more committed to his wife and family, I will deny some silly lie or pact I made 30 years ago, especially if my fellow pact-makers are already dead. I am going to enjoy the life I have left. But not one disciple escapes the martyr’s death or persecution (as John was exiled after being thrown in a vat of almost boiling oil). You only admit to being one of Jesus’ followers only if you really believe that He rose from the dead! That’s worth dying for.

No one willingly dies for what they know to be a lie. People make objections stating that the from the 9-11 conspirator to the Kamikaze pilot to the Nazi to any other kind of terrorist, etc, that they die all the time for lies. And the refutation is, no they don’t. The terrorist believes that he is dying for the truth, however misguided he is, he believes in his cause.

Again, no one willingly dies for what they know to be a lie. Not one, not 11, not the millions of converts of the early church. In returning to the story of Jesus, it is also important to note that as recorded in the book of Acts, the resurrected Christ appeared to 500 people before He ascended to God the Father.

Especially as many have attacked its historicity over the centuries, these and many other arguments provide solid refutations and probably reason for the Resurrection. To come full circle, please remember that this does not “prove” the Resurrection. The apostle Paul teaches us that we are not justified by our arguments, our behavior, or our rationality, we are justified by our faith. It’s always been a matter of faith, but for me, it’s good to know that I have good reason for my faith.

Reflecting on Illegal Immigration

Today, thousands of illegal immigrants and their allies across the country plan a show of force to illustrate how much immigrants matter in the U.S. economy.

So much has been written on this subject, I thought I would try to highlight some points that I have come across.

1. Deport 11.7 million people is not the solution. And, they have helped the economy.
From Chuck Colson:
“Look at the economy first: If you could find and deport every undocumented alien in America, you would go to the grocery store next week and find the shelves bare. Without immigrant workers, we could not harvest crops. Just as happened yesterday, service industries everywhere would be shut down. With unemployment at a five-year low of 4.7 percent and with 200,000 new jobs added to the economy last month, there is simply a shortage of workers in much of America. (http://www.breakpoint.org/listingarticle.asp?ID=2073)
2. But they have cost the taxpayers as well.
– Depending on what angle you are looking at, illegal immigration has created a burden on the welfare system, the education system, etc.
– Illegal alien households are estimated to use $2,700 a year more in services than they pay in taxes, creating a total fiscal burden of nearly $10.4 billion on the federal budget in 2002.
– Among the largest federal costs: Medicaid ($2.5 billion); treatment for the uninsured ($2.2 billion); food assistance programs ($1.9 billion); the federal prison and court systems ($1.6 billion); and federal aid to schools ($1.4 billion).
– If illegal aliens were legalized and began to pay taxes and use services like legal immigrants with the same education levels, the estimated annual fiscal deficit at the federal level would increase from $2,700 per household to nearly $7,700, for a total federal deficit of $29 billion.
– With nearly two-third of illegals lacking a high school diploma, the primary reason they create a fiscal deficit is their low education levels and resulting low incomes and tax payments — not their legal status or their unwillingness to work.
– Amnesty increases costs because illegals would still be largely unskilled, and thus their tax payments would continue to be very modest, but once legalized they would be able to access many more government services.
– The fact that legal immigrants with little schooling are a fiscal drain on federal coffers does not mean that legal immigrants overall are a drain. Many legal immigrants are highly skilled.
– Because many of the costs are due to their U.S.-born children, who are awarded U.S. citizenship at birth, barring illegals themselves from federal programs will not significantly reduce costs.

3. The Principle of Law
Yet while we need immigrant workers to keep the economy going, we are tolerating them at the expense of the rule of law. Once you discover that you have 11 million illegal aliens in your midst, you cannot in fairness grant amnesty. If these new alien workers are going to be assimilated into American life, they have got to understand that we live according to the rule of law. By allowing them to continue to work as undocumented aliens, we are telling them that we really don’t care about the law; that we just want them here to use them as our slaves in our agricultural fields so we can eat cheaply.”
“No previous group of immigrants has had such a large inflow or access to their home country that this latest group has today. That’s because no previous wave of immigrants could walk across our borders.
Earlier groups crossed oceans to come here and were assimilated into the culture in a gradual and measured way. This latest wave quite literally has only to walk right in, and they are doing so in a big way.
Most illegals do not conduct themselves like immigrants of the past. Okay, they work hard, but they are here against our laws and generally have little interest in learning English or the ways of our culture. Illegals generally come here merely to find a job, not necessarily to become citizens. And now they are protesting our generosity and good will.
These attitudes are offensive, and are the reason why most Americans want the border controlled. This is not about racism. It is about a distortion of the process that appalls African, Asian and other ethnic groups who are legally waiting in line to come here.”

Something to consider:

“Let’s look at it from the low- or unskilled-laborer’s perspective: Typically these workers are economic refugees plagued by the corrupt and chaotic economic regimes and attendant policies of Mexico or other countries in Latin America. The problems in these countries are not America’s fault. Arguably, many of these workers would likely challenge their own governments if they didn’t have America as a viable outlet. Nevertheless, it is in our economic interest to allow them to enter our labor force if not but to help maintain our own economic vitality.”


“We should not allow Mexico to export their poverty as a way to avoid economic and social reform. Ultimately, this problem will not go away until Mexico reforms its systemic government and societal corruption, and their people can live prosperously in their own country.”

Border control is a must. “There is an old saying that good fences make for good neighbors. This truism has never been more applicable than with our Southern neighbor. Good fences make good immigration policy too.
We have a proud history of accepting the world’s poor in a system designed to provide gradual assimilation of new citizens into our language and culture. We need to control our border and allow that process to happen properly.”

Concerning those that are already here:
I need to hear more. I do believe that those who stay should be required to pay taxes (back taxes included) whether they are granted citizenship or some other arrangement. The tcsdaily article makes a point in granting working privileges but not necessarily citizenship. I need to think a little more about that.

Since I am a part of the first generation of my family born in this country, I have a lot of sympathy for this subject. At the same time, my parents immigrated here legally. I cannot imagine the frustration of the millions of people awaiting visas knowing that millions of people have cut in line in front of them. I understand that many illegals are here to support their families and are hard-working people burationale rationalle can be used to justify stealing as well. As a society we must be committed to justice as well as truth and liberty (sorry to sound so Constitutional, but it actually is a fantastic document. It’s effectiveness is why we have people dying to get here).

As far as the Church is concerned:
My opinion is that we need to be wise and helpful. We ought to welcome the stranger without betraying the authority of our government. May God give us wisdom.

Groups Rally Against Darfur Genocide

“Save Darfur: Rally to Stop Genocide” is sponsored by a coalition of 150 religious and human rights groups, including American Jewish World Service, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the National Association of Evangelicals, the National Council of Churches and the American Society for Muslim Advancement (Newsday)”

It’s great that so many different groups are trying to unite for this.

Rabbi Enters Falwell's Bastion And Issues Plea for Tolerance

Is Jerry Falwell becoming Emergent?

Probably not, but you have to admit, bringing a liberal rabbi to his school is quite the off-speed pitch.

Groups Plan Rally on Mall To Protest Darfur Violence

“An unusually broad coalition of 164 humanitarian and religious groups, including Amnesty International and the National Association of Evangelicals, is planning a huge rally Sunday on the Mall to call for intervention to end the violence in Sudan’s Darfur region.

With the added draw of celebrity speakers such as actor George Clooney and Olympic speedskating gold medalist Joey Cheek, organizers expect tens of thousands of people to converge on the District…”

Furrowed Brows Inc. – "The Culture War's Biggest Casualites Might Be Christian Joy and Hope by Andy Crouch

This was a cool moment for me.
I was reading this article, agreeing with it, then I realized that I knew the unmentioned people he was speaking of as I too have sat in their living room discussing these very isues.

That aside, I appreciated Andy’s tone. Good read.

don't call me Veronica: non-partisan christianity?

non-partisan christianity from don’t call me veronica?

Check out Tony Campolo on Comedy Central’s Colbert Report.

Though Campolo is “hit or miss” for me, I liked what he said on the Colbert Report though. Glad this was posted.

A Collision of LIfe and Death by Russ Breimeier

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Though I don’t know Kyle Lake and his young family, I too was very upset by this tragic accident this past fall. He was a talented young pastor, writer, and all his friends had great esteem for him. This interview is with David Crowder, one of my favorite musicians, a worship leader who understands both the heart of worship and great music. His style is considered a little too heavy for church but I think that’s why it is so loved. The Crowder band led worship at Kyle’s church, (University Baptist, Waco, TX) and apparently this is David’s first interview since the tragedy of his friend.

“Things started off well in 2005 for the David Crowder Band, which got its start as the primary worship band for University Baptist Church in Waco, Texas. In September they finalized A Collision or (3+4=7), which released to strong reviews—it earned high placement on our year-end Best Albums list. Soon after, the band embarked on a headlining tour. And then tragedy hit: Kyle Lake, the band’s friend and pastor at UBC, was electrocuted and killed while adjusting a microphone during a baptism. It was hard enough for Crowder and his buddies to be away at such a difficult time, asking all sorts of challenging questions in light of it. What’s more, A Collision was created as a worshipful response to death—before Lake’s passing. After months of silence on the subject, Crowder was gracious enough to share some thoughts about his friend’s death, and the role Lake played in the album’s creation.”

Remembering the Armenian Genocide

Though a couple of days late, I’ve been catching up on some reading and was moved by this.

Remembering the Armenian Genocide

“In 2006, Monday, April 24th marks the commemoration of the Armenian Genocide by the Ottoman Empire between 1915 and 1923. More than 1.5 million Armenians died in this period.

On Sunday, April 23rd a special Divine Liturgy will be celebrated at St. Vartan Cathedral followed by a blessing of Madagh.

Please see the Diocesan Calendar for other special events to remember Armenian Martyrs Day.

Send a commemorative e-card to remind others of this important day. You are also invited to light a candle online in memory of a loved one or for other intentions and to post the names of your loved ones who died or survived the Genocide on our online Memory Wall. The Diocese also invites survivors of the Genocide to share their experiences; selected experiences will be posted in this section.

Useful resources found on this site and on other websites to educate yourself and your children about the terrible genocide the Armenian people survived…”

A Brief Overview of the Armenian Genocide

Should Christians Boycott The Davinci Code?

Boycott? No! Let’s JIHAD it!

My real opinion is that if your convictions feel that you should not see it. Don’t see it.
Want to see it, go ahead. There’s a lot hype around it, maybe you will find yourself in a conversation about it. I am passionate about what I believe but my personal evangelism is not resting on the movie theater. I believe we ought to be relevant and be faithful. See it and don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine too. Again, I believe that we ought to be faithful in the opportunities that we are given, it’s not going to rise and fall on The DaVinci Code.