Recapping our Sr. High Service Project Weekend – Post IV

That evening, we went to Bethel Church in Philly to hear Shane Clairborne.  Our students connected with a lot of what he had to say. Still waiting for them to digest it all bc I am eager in hearing their thoughts and reactions.

To say that you can’t agree with everything Shane says is about as obvious as saying that I breathe oxygen.  No one should agree with everything any moral says.  That said, I personally have a great respect for Shane’s ideas and it keeps growing.   One day, I may summon the courage to express my personal differences and questions I have with some of Shane’s ideas.  But if you asked me, should we live more like Joel Osteen or Shane then I’d throw out my hair gel, smash my LCD, give my possessions and my teeth to the poor so that no part of me would have mistaken for any influence coming from Lakewood.  (Don’t be offended, this is hyperbole.  If you are legalistic, you may have misunderstood some of our best passages of Scripture, you walking gravestone).  

So where was I?  Oh, it was good.  I took notes and plan on sharing more later.

One last thing, I’d like to express my admiration to Bethel Church for taking the heat from those I would call “narrow-minded”.  It takes some courage for a conservative senior pastor of a conservative church to bring on a guy like Shane who isn’t as conservative (although I’m not real sure that “liberal” is an appropriate term for him).  Lastly, at the church (which was converted from a movie theater) had a little book-store area and among the 30 or so books was Brian McLaren’s, Everything Must Change.  I was encouraged by Bethel.


Recapping our Service Project Weekend Post III

Saturday morning we served at the Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission in center city Philadelphia with Evan’s students at Great Valley Pres.  (Back in August, Evan and a several students from his church joined us on our trip to New Orleans).

At this mission, some students helped cook the good, distribute to the homeless, while others were cleaning up the foot pantry room, organizing shelves and still while others were loading their truck with the stuff that they needed to clear out.   Not a lot to say aside from it was a good experiencing reminding us of several important matters.  

Recapping our Service Project Weekend Post II

This year we went wanted to go to Philly for a number of reasons.  But before we set out to the place allegedly referred to “The City of Brotherly Love”, we did a worship service at the Good Shepherd Mission in Paterson, NJ we on Friday night.  Our new Jr. High Youth Pastor, also named Tim (we have heard all the jokes) led worship, a student gave a reading and one of our shy freshmen girls summoned the courage to share what the Lord was doing in her life.  I preached a sermon on unity that was an extension out of what we’ve been speaking about in youth group.  Our unity must flow within us as a youth group and beyond us throughout the Body and outside the Body.  Following our time of worship we spent a couple hours afterwards hanging out with the men there listening to their stories and enjoing each other’s presence.  


Recapping our Service Project Weekend Post I

Sr. High Service Project Weekend was a good thing. I hesitate to use phrases like “great success” because of what that sort of language implies to me but it went very well. I really believe in the purpose of this weekend and look forward to doing more. Prior to my arrival at this church, each quarter the youth group went to some kind of camp which is fine and all but it seemed a little overplayed to me. Add that we have been trying to do service projects for the longest time but getting students to commit to the calendar was a difficult thing especially since we have weak culture of service. So as we have been trying to create a missional culture, we’ve also combined the idea of getting out of the area and doing service projects.

Last year we did various things in the New York City area like cleaned off the shelves at a soup kitchen in Harlem, helped with a children’s Halloween alternate activity at a church in Queens (while promoting the church’s health clinic!), put on a worship service at a Jewish nursing home (we told them we were Christians) and the Good Shepherd Home in Paterson.  This year we changed it up a bit.  So, here are some posts and thoughts.

Monday Brief

Highlight of the week:

Definitely our Sr. High Service Project Weekend. I really believe in the purpose of this weekend and look forward to doing more. Will blog about this more but this year we did a worship service at the Good Shepherd Mission in Paterson, NJ then spent a couple hours afterwards hanging out with the men there. Served at the Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission in center city Philadelphia with Evan’s students at Great Valley Pres. That evening went Bethel Church in Philly to hear Shane Clairborne. The kids connected with a lot of what he said. Still waiting for them to digest it all bc I am eager in hearing their thoughts and reactions. Sunday, we worshipped at the Well in Feasterville (where Todd Hiestand and Gary Alloway serve at) then went and at cheeseteaks (at Pats because they let me order in Arabic).

Book(s) I’m reading (and not reading): Rediscovering Paul for the emergent conference. Which I literally read 2 pages since last week. Read the Relational Way and finished up Community 101. This week I hope to read 2 more pages of Rediscovering Paul.

Podcasts I’m digging: Relevant Podcast as always. Fermi Project with Christopher Silber (on screenwriting) and for the first time listened to two fantasy football podcasts. A complete waste of time since both my teams sucked this week. Fortunately, one of my opponents must listen also because his team sucked a little worse. Something(s) that blew my mind: Came to the realization that I might as well run for Vice President one day too. Looks like anyone can do it.

Ministry update: Needing to get the ministry calendar ready.

What I am procrastinating on:  The ministry calendar.  My basement.  Need to get a new desk for my workspace.  Need to clean the area before getting the desk – Argh.



The 10 Commandments of blogging from Tall Skinny Kiwi (who got it from…)

You may have seen it before but I enjoyed reading it again.  

This is from Tall Skinny Kiwi‘s blog:


The 10 Commandments of Blogging: 
You shall not put your blog before your integrity. 
You shall not make an idol of your blog. 
You shall not misuse your screen name by using your anonymity to sin. 
Remember the Sabbath day by taking one day off a week from your blog. 
Honour your fellow-bloggers above yourselves and do not give undue significance to their mistakes. 

click here to see his other 5 and the remainder of the post.

At the Princeton Seminary Library

Earlier this week I was at the Princeton Seminary Library.  Although I was never a student, this has become a special place for me.  I served at a church for 5+ years in the Philly suburbs and Princeton was about 20 miles away.  Because my wife and I had different days off and I had a need to get out of the house, I’d spend the day at the library and at Small World Coffee.  I later resigned that church and took a break in ministry to focus on finding a position that would be a better fit and a time of healing and renewal.  (Don’t read that assuming that I was not pursuing God’s will, but you’d have to know me to understand how I use that type of language but I digress).  As I was looking for our next ministry, I spent even more time at PTS library.  I especially loved the periodical room and all the various places to study.   Between its size and not being a student there and therefore not knowing anyone, I ended up reading a lot.


Not an exciting post but it was a good day for me to be back there.  These days I use the Starbucks, Borders, and the libraries at Nyack Bible College and at Alliance Seminary.  It’s not the same but it’s different season and it’s been a good one.

Monday Morning Brief on Tuesday Night

Highlight of the week:  Our Biblical Seminary Bus Tour.  Went to see ministries serve the larger community in Philly.  (I keep meaning to blog about this.

Book(s) I’m reading: Finishing up Community 101, Reading Paul for the emergent conference.  Beginning the Relational Way tomorrow.

Music I’m digging:  Honestly, I’ve enjoyed my first few listens to the new Chris Tomlin cd.  If you know me, you know that I like to tease about Tomlin but here’s the thing.  If this wasn’t Tomlin’s voice, I might be really excited about this album.  Given that I cannot really forget that it’s Tomlin (like not imaging a pink elephant in my mind), I can say, “Hmm.  Not bad.”  What a snobby disclaimer to say all that, huh?

Something(s) that blew my mind:  $700 billion dollar bailout.  It just sounds crazy.

Ministry update:   Getting ready to go Sr. High Service Project Weekend with Evan’s students. Men’s mission in Paterson, NJ, serving at Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission in Philly, Shane Claiborne, worshipping at The Well (where Todd Hiestand and Gary Alloway serve), and …. Cheesteaks.

Thomas has some good weekend reading for you

Thomas Turner has some good weekend reading.  Some of it were the articles I was going to link to.  We get some of the same emails apparently.  Now wonder we get along.  In fact, I’d ask him and Sarah to be godparents but his obsession with the national league is scarier than his interest in visiting North Korea.

Anyway, check some of the other stuff on his blog as you read a couple articles from Christianity Today on Brian McLaren written by Scot McKnight, an article from Dave Ramsey concerning the bailout and some fun from Culture 11.  Here’s the link

Responding to the Out of Ur post, "RIP Emerging Church"

On the Out of Ur blog, there is a post entitled, “RIP Emergent that spells out its demise. Lol, what is that … seriously?  Is “reformed theology” dead?  Is the charismatic movement dead?  What about the prosperity gospel … uhh, not sure what the noun is there btw?  Well is that dead?  Isn’t that a little rude, to wish death on someone else’s great interest (even if it is only a ‘term’)?  RIP? LOL  – I’m sure the writer didn’t mean it literally.  

I am sure that the writer is a good man who loves the Lord.  My criticism of the post is that he uses the term “emergent” and the movement it represents interchangeably.  Quoting Kimball (who later posts in the comments), and Tall Skinny Kiwi, I felt he either twisted or perhaps he misunderstood the intention of those words.  Who cares about the word, or the term?  Like Jones, I’ve heard other leaders of the “emerging church” say that perhaps “emergent village” will evolve or transform into something else years ago.  So if whatever is supposed to be announced soon is an extension of it – praise God, most emergents I know hold such things with open hands.   Sorry to say use a cliché here, but the whole idea of “emergent” does not believe it has arrived,  but journeying.  It pretty much is the idea of the word itself, right?

 I am not annoyed really, but I wonder if the mic is really on.  Please understand, that as far as I am concerned, the emergent brand can come and go as it pleases.   I believe most of my friends feel this way and they can speak for themselves.  But those interested in the conversation will most likely continue to dialogue.  Among the issues and topics that are discussed in the books, blogs, and yes, the conferences (as if the “emergents invented them and btw, they are pretty affordable comparatively speaking), there is also a very deep and rich friendship that is growing and all are welcome – even you.  I think this is why when I read the title, I kinda smiled.  To me it’s like asking, “Uhhh, so when are you two breaking up?”. 

For a better reply, check out Scot McKnight’s comment (about six or seven comments down) and the post on his blog.

And Doug Pagitt’s youtube video  discussing emergent/emerging church.