My Review of Viral Jesus by Ross Rohde

When I got the email inviting bloggers to review Viral Jesus: Rediscovering the Contagious Power of the Gospel by Ross Rohde, I thought a few things. Looks like they misspelled his last name and it’s endorsed by Neil Cole, the author of Organic Church. Sign me up.

Here’s the description from the Publisher:
“By returning to what we once had… We can recover what we once enjoyed. In the early centuries Christianity was an explosive, viral movement that spread by word of mouth. Persecution could not stop it. In fact, it often helped to spread it.
But today, the gospel is no longer spreading like wildfire throughout the Western world. Slowly, Christianity has morphed into something much different…a stable institutionalized religion that no longer grips us with the excitement and spirituality of the early years.  Ross Rohde believes that this excitement and passion can be recaptured. In Viral Jesus he uses examples from the Bible and today to explore how we can return to our roots and once again enjoy the excitement, simple spirituality, and explosive growth of early Christianity.”

If this is your first entry point into the organic/missional church, this may be a helpful read for you. Especially if you have charismatic leanings as Ross does. There’s quite a bit that I appreciated about Ross’ big picture thoughts and he seems like a type of [Read more…]

Reflecting on the Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day A Week Later – Post 3

I concluded Post 2 by mentioning I would respond to a couple of the pushbacks I received and then I’ll finish this little series with my suggestion of what Chick-Fil-A could do now. So it’s said, I appreciate how polite those responding have been. I’ve received texts, emails, FB messages, and a DM with various thoughts – all have been gracious, which isn’t always the case in the blogosphere. As always feel free to reply somehow or comment below but thanks for keeping it all so classy.

The first was on what do I think Dan Cathy should have said? Before I go further, if this is the first time reading this series, [Read more…]

Reflecting on the Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day A Week Later – Post 2

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, though it’s been a week later since Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day, I’m still processing.

This whole Chick-Fil-A scene affirms the position of the futility of the Christian engaged in the “culture war.” Last Wednesday, “taking a stand”, ordering a chicken sandwich and setting a sales record galvanized countless people. But at the same time, it hurt countless others, those within our community and those outside. The point is simple, If the Church truly desires to reach out in love, the culture war is the wrong approach.

I know some are eager to point out that “the truth hurts” and so forth and I get all that. This is ever more reason that the culture war [Read more…]

Reflecting on the Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day A Week Later – Post 1

I took some time off last week, hung out with my family and decided to cut back on my social media intake and blogging. I know I’m late in posting on this but like with many things, I want to add to the conversation and be counted for whatever it is I am for/against. These thoughts have been brewing for a little while now and though I thought twice about posting on the Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day, I am getting a handle on my words now.

I had the privilege of given the sermon last week; it was on the imprecatory Psalms, specifically Ps. 109 and was called, “A Song to My Enemy.” Toward the end, I tried to make the point that Christians can not simultaneously build the Kingdom of God and fight a culture war. They are mutually exclusive and simply put, Jesus calls us to seek first the Kingdom of God.

I also tried to make the point that “others” are not our enemies and that includes “liberal ‘whatevers’, ultra-conservative (insert [Read more…]

Reflecting on the Tragedy of #Aurora – It’s OK to Watch Some of the News and It’s OK to Grieve

Like so many, I am still processing the tragedy in Aurora, CO. It’s heartbreaking and what’s further devastating is that this is one tragic story among so many. Right now, there are 2 girls that are missing in Iowa and the parents are not cooperating with authorities. Right now the population of Syria is going through hell. Right now, our Twitter feeds are giving us new updates and reactions on the Sandusky/Penn State scandal. Right now there are painful reports that happen each day and these include acts of violence, abuse, human-trafficking, theft, disease, freak-accidents and countess other evils.

We’ve observed that events like the tragedy in Aurora immediately create a boiling point in society. The death toll, the drama, the horrific details are not only delivered to the public in dramatic fashion, but in some ways these tragic [Read more…]

Reflecting on Sunday’s Message, Women In Ministry, Depression and Hope

This past Sunday, our Pastor of Global and Regional Outreach, Jeanette Yep gave a powerful message as part of our summer series entitled, “Psalms: A Soundtrack For Our Lives.” You can watch/listen to it here.

Jeanette got me thinking about a number of things. This is the first church that I’ve served at where we’ve had women preaching from the [Read more…]

My Review of One B1G Thing: Discovering What You Were Born to Do by Phil Cooke

Phil Cooke has a new book out and it’s called One B1G Thing: Discovering What You Were Born to Do and I think many of you should read it.

I saw Phil speak a couple years ago and was really taken by him. The first book I read was Jolt!: The Power of Intentional Change in a World that’s Constantly Changing and here’s my review. Then I read through Branding Faith: Why Some Churches and Nonprofits Impact Culture and Others Don’t

Initially, I wasn’t sure I’d like this book because from the descriptions, it already felt a lot like [Read more…]

The God-Particle is Our Friend – Reflecting On the Divide of Science and Faith, Even When There’s Good News

First, I had to laugh a little at the first line of this Huffington Post article – “Physics fans went wild over this week’s announcement that scientists…”

There are fans of physics?? Might as well be. I know I’m nerdy when it comes to faith and religion but the thought of a Facebook Group possibly identified as “Phans of Physics” struck me as funny.

Then I got sad when I saw the tweets coming out from whom I am sure are sincere, good-hearted Christians like:
“They said they discovered the God particle that created all of life. Who created the God particle? Atheists ar stupid…” (hiding twitter identities)
“Atheists are freakin’ out about the “God Particle” – so scared we might use that info to prove Gods existence. They don’t know about faith!”
“higgs boson? more like higgs BOZOS. u know what the REAL god particle is? the bible. #owned #science #higgsboson #fake #lies #god #tcot”

If he had just 6 more letters, I imagine he would have added #ZING! – That one was painful.

But this is among the reasons I blog. To be another Christian voice that doesn’t sound like some of those above. [Read more…]

Reflecting on the Fourth: Nationalism vs Patriotism, Thankfulness, America & Egypt Part 2

Being an Egyptian-American, Egypt has been on my mind for quite a while now and certainly this past week of the 4th was no exception. Though I was born in New Jersey and most of my family lives in the States, and although my Arabic is pretty bad, and although I still don’t like foul (it’s just boiled and mashed fava beans but they smell absolutely wretched. I think it’s the spices that are added), Egypt is an important place to me. And if even if we knew no one in Egypt, it would still be – it’s part of our family’s story and just that is enough for me.

Now given you don’t know what you don’t know but as you would imagine, I have always been extremely grateful that my parents immigrated here. And I’ve never wished to be anything but Egyptian. If I am completely honest, I think the [Read more…]